Blue leg crab ate my zoos!!!!


Can't believe it. First it took out a nasarius snail for it's new home, then it picked off my first 6 zoo polyps. Is this normal?

Is this a little tiny blue-leg hermit, sold as clean-up crew (smaller than a pea usually)? Or one of those golf-ball-sized electric blue hermit crabs? The latter are not generally considered reef-safe. I'm not sure whether they eat zoas or not, but you probably don't want these big oportunistic predators in your tank.
One of my original Blue Legged Hermit crab from the clean up crew I bought over two years ago grew up to be one of those giant Electric Blues. He eventually took out a Turbo Snail and occupied its shell.

I haven't seen him eat any corals but he constantly is knocking things over he's so big.
Blue legs will eat stuff off dieing zoa's or desease'd ones ... Were the zoa's open and healthy, no discolored stalks funky spots or grey or green color?