Cerith snail eggs


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BRS Member
What's the chance of these hatching?:confused:
There's a good string of them on the front glass and fish...ect seem to be avoiding them.
i have yet to have that happen.. i do have baby nassarius snail that i believe hatched in my tank.. about 3 of them :)
This guy climbed up the front glass today and left a nice zig-zag of eggs stuck there.First time I've had anything try to multiply in my tank other than pods and bristle worms.
Well,the clowns do the shakey.......bu that don't count yet.lol
Nothing wrong with good healthy coral food.
These eggs are pretty much glued onto the glass in a zig-zag.So unless something discovers them they wont become dislodged too easily.
I've seen a few teeny-tiny white snails in my tank that I think are ceriths that have hatched- but I agree that the vast, vast majority seem to end up as coral or fish food... I've just recently tried moving a few strings of eggs to my fuge, so I'm hoping they'll survive down there.
Yea, I've had numerous occurences of this in both my DT and fuge --- often two or more snails laying at the same time. One just the other night. I've yet to see a baby cerith but I've never seen anyone eating them. They just seem to suddenly disappear. I know pods LOVE haning out around them.