Clownfish harem


Been thinking of setting up a clownfish bta harem for some time. I’ve read a ton of info and watched brs videos on their experience. Looking for opinions here with anyone who has done this successfully. I wouldn’t be doing 30 clowns like brs, but maybe 10 give or take. Curious to hear your thoughts
Actually, the 30-50clowns in a 120G or 90G or larger is better than 10 clowns in the same tank. It will also depends on the type of clowns and how many hosts anemones you have. I would only try it on Occelaris. Other species like Percula has a high chance of failure. Maroon clowns, forget it about it.
Also a mono specie tank may look cool the first week, after a month, it's the same old boring stuff. To me at least.
Everyone said it could not be done, but I bought 5 small clowns over a year ago, four have gotten quite large and all are still alive. They were in a 60 with 2 BTAs until last week when I moved up to a 120, I have either 3 or 4 BTAs now, hard to tell. The squabbling has gone down in the larger tank. There have been some touchy moments with one cornered at the surface or hiding in a big gorgodian