Coral share program?

This is a cool idea. It used to happen informally back when trading was more popular than selling, the joke was everyone in the club had the “poop brown acro”.

I’d love to see that happening again, but it seems like it would be more challenging in today’s world of $100 per polyp designer corals. I miss free poop brown personally :)
It is a good idea. Sorry to say that history is proven that it does not work.
First, it is impossible to keep track.
Second, it is much better to setup a backup tank for you $1000 frag instead of relying on other people to keep a backup for you.

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That would be great! I think a separate sub forum would be great way to control it. A pinned “what’s available” or something tab with active offers by members below.

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Third, the trend of reef keeping today is that people generally want new corals and we have so many varieties of Coral available today with many new ones coming out regularly, people may not want what they give away for free back in the future.
Last but not least, good faith seems in poor return these days.

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to many bad apples on here for this. i give away plenty of free stuff only to see it up for sale few weeks later .
It would be nice to know that if your tank happened to crash that you had some of your corals elsewhere to repopulate if need be... I would definitley get in on something like this... There would need to be some stringent rules though... I don't imagine people would be giving out their most expensive zoas or things like that...but if you happened to lose everything ( as people sometimes do) there is some solace in being able to start back up with frags of your "old friends"
I would say you can still develop relationships like many of us have in the past. I currently have a frag of most everything from someones tank and they know they are welcome to anything if they lose one of their colonies. Just need mine to grow out a bit...
I would be happy to participate in the sharing and also the setting up for it. I think the subforum is a great idea to have public record of who is taking what and help keep the bad apples out. Also important that person contributing says who gets it and is not automatically first come first serve. May also increase meeting attendance of meetings as people meet to swap.
I'd also be interested in this and honestly if it were only available for paid members it would be a real nice perk and make membership more worth it for me personally.

Disclaimer though, I have a new setup so wouldn't be able to contribute for some period of time. :(
I would venture a guess that the club wants no part of this. It takes a single incident for everything to go bad, and going back to a real toxic time here. Best bet is to start going to meetings (or hosting your own informal meet-ups as we did in the past, most of us love grabbing beers and talking salt!) and finding people that you can see as trustworthy.
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It's not for everyone, you have to have partial trust in people and the other part has to not care about losing a frag to a bad apple because yes it will happen. In the end it is just a hobby and as it progresses people learn who they can trust.

I think being a paid member to receive a coral is a must.

You would be surprised. As the lower end corals get traded so do the expensive ones to other high end tank owners. (I consider my tank low to mid end)

Sidenote: If the club has no interest in setting something up, would like to get together with people in the CT,MA,RI border area to have some burgers and make it work between us in an unofficial way.

I used to love brown poop coral also. Was a lot of fun seeing people trade and gift different corals back then. Everything from softies to sticks.
I see no reason why we shouldn’t set up the sub forum. We would obviously have a similar policy as the marketplace where it is “traders beware”.

@Joe Rice would a member be able to moderate just that one subforum? Since tank o tangs has run it successfully for the CT group he runs I would suggest him as moderator.

I will set up a vote in the board forums and see if it gets approved and report back.

I know I am in for trading. I tried to get a math trade in place at the last meeting but no bites. I will give the board a couple days to log on and vote and let you know if we can get a subforum running for it.

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Up for trades

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I feel since it was my suggestion it's only right I offer to help only if wanted. I will be brutally honest with you and if you want help frame to finish on your house I can help with quality work. If you want help doing something on a computer I am the last guy you want to ask if there is any task more than posting (Still can't figure out how to turn off this thing from changing half my words). If it does happen I suggest before people trade have a vote of people that are interested decide how lax they want rules and what they are as people also come and go. The rules we had there were there but they were very lax and never really checked on as we were all strangers meeting about fish but at the same time friends. Don't ever remember a problem and I think that is due to everyone seeing public receipt in the forum for what they received. Also don't think this is the program for someone that wants keep tabs on what they give away to people but more a place for people that want to offer stuff up to other people to enjoy and not have a sh** fit about it. Once coral starts getting around it is nice to know that if your tank goes wrong there is a specific place you can go and say hey my tank crashed anyone around that has frags from your colonies without spending a fortune to get stuff back.
Read a few threads on that forum, if a similar layout was designed for BRS I would participate and put in some corals. In the different threads there were the usual complainers and mooches but you could tell who had good intentions, one stand out was the lack of response on most threads. Figure out how to add the cool lineage features like on that other forum to keep tracking easier and I think this could be a valuable asset.
From someone who went through this discussion 6+ years ago, also as part of the BOD, I strongly suggest against it. This lead to a bunch of issues between members thinking it was club sponsored, and thus could be club arbitrated if things went poorly. It's a great idea if people would be "better people," however there have been a few pretty blatant examples lately that this rule doesn't apply here...

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