desperate need of a shut-off float


No anchovies please
Long time no post...

I know this is not the right forum but I REALLY need the most coverage and I think that this forum is the place for that.

Does anyone have a shut-off float I can buy? Anything that can adapt to 1/4 tubing with John Guest would be ideal. The one I am replacing is the Kent model. I would order one from Drs Foster but I need it before Tuesday and don't want to spend $25 on shipping.

long back story:

I had a small 15g top-off tank. The float connection would leak. So if I left my ro-di on, it would overfill. When I went to fix it I figured why not put in a 30g I had kicking around (need to post the other two extra 30s for sale). So, I went about making a panel I could silicone in to install the float. As I was setting it in place I realized I had made it with out any pass-through vents (didn't want any stale water section). So, I took it out and went to use the table saw to cut a hole in the middle. Should have taken the float off. I tried to hand hold it, it naturally got away from me and shattered it and the float. I got a few cuts on my hands, nothing too deep, (I'm lucky I didn't lose a finger).

Moral of the story. Take your time. Don't rush when using 'cut-off-digits-in-the-blink-of-an-eye' tools. Now I need a new float in time to set it, and test it before I go on a trip for 8 days. I am on the south shore.


I've got a kent float valve that I just bought from AA for $21. I don't need it right away, If you want to drive out to sudbury you can have it for what I paid.
you can have this if you think it will work


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I have no idea what kind it is, my father is a service tech for a company that installs water purification systems, he got it for me a while ago when I was planning an auto top off system and I ended up using something else...
I would love to get that float from you. You are only 10 minutes from me and I need to go to hanover to the bank tomorrow anyway. What time is good for you? I am free all day tomorrow.

I would love to take you up on it but sch is SOO much closer :)

I actually started my own company. Most of my clients are in Boston, Cambridge, Brookline so I stil go into town quite a bit. Now I do it after the traffic instead of before at 5am.

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