difference in algea?


Division Champs
I have a lot of grape calupera a little of the same algea that the seapods are shipped with in the bottle(looks and feels like plastic easter grass only tougher) and red algea that I'm pretty sure is the good kind. Any other kinds that would be a benefit? What is the deal with cheato? :eek: seems to be the choice algea.
Sorry for the brevity of the previous response. I believe chaeto is so popular because it doesn't "go sexual". Caulerpa can, totally without notice, release sperm and eggs into the system which can foul the water pretty quickly. Chaeto also doesn't seem to crash like caulerpa. And the final thing I think is because it will aggregate into balls that will roll in a refugium, creating a consistent flow, and therfore the best nutrient uptake. This is a good article to peruse: http://www.reefland.com/rho/0105/main2.php
Good luck!