Does old salt degrade?


It's been a long time I've been torn down and I'm trying to figure out if what I have is still valuable to my fellow reefers. I was hoping to get back into the hobby, but that won't be until after I move.

I have some old mag flake from when it was still USP, it's about 3/4 of a bucket. As Dow said they wouldn't guarantee the same process probably 6+ years ago.

I also have a bucket and box of Instant Ocean (new) that has been on the shelf over 3 years.

The question is: should I find a home for these, or is it too likely to cause problems to the next owner and I should just use it as driveway salt?
unless there's some proprietary compound in the salt that is not known, I don't think either of those will pose any problem. The only issue with chemicals salts is the hydration of anhydrous one, since they are to be mixed with water, even if there are some of those it will not pose a problem.
There should be no issue. I have heard some people say to shake up your bucket or box. From what I understand certain elements that are heavier will settle to the bottom of the bucket /box.
Well, you should actually roll the bucket, not shake it. Shaking will settle out the larger/heavier elements, while rolling well mix them.
Well, you should actually roll the bucket, not shake it. Shaking will settle out the larger/heavier elements, while rolling well mix them.

That works too and is the suggested way, if your salt comes in a bucket. My only point was it is still usable, but needs stirring of some kind.