Does your fighting conch move around?


I ordered a fighting conch a while back from reef scavengers It is quite odd - he just doesn't move. For a couple of days every month he walks all around the tank bottom. Just hanging around seeing what is out there. Assume he is eating too. Then he buries himself leaving one eye/antenna sticking out of the sand. Stays in the exact spot for weeks if not a month at a time. Do any of you have more active conchs?
Mine started out not moving for days/weeks at a time. After 3 months, I find mine all over the tank.
For the first three weeks both of mine stayed hidden now one is all over the tank but I rarely see the other one.
Mine is always on the the prowl. I've seen it climb the glass at night sometimes.
I had two that didn't move and one that is going crazy in the new tank, never digs is always crusing with his mouth out.
I have one that I see moving around daily, usually when the halides go out or in the early morning, before lights go on. I have another species that I see only every couple of days.
I have a question about these. I had one before when I first started my other tank, like 6 years ago. On another forum, after I asked a question about one, someone bitched at me saying that they get huge and I shouldn't have one in a tank. how big do these get?
Mine was an inch and I can't imagine them getting more then a few inches in a tank before they die.

Also, we are ordering a CUC and they don't have Fighting conchs. They have little bear conchs. Any experience with these?

Sorry about the hijack.
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I had one for a year or so, it rarely came out when all the lights were on but would pop out of the sand once the halides went out. Would cruise the sand with its trunk out, my son called it a HONK, he was two at the time, LOL.
Havent seen it lately though, I keep waiting for a crab to appear with its shell though.
Who knows maybe its still creeping around in there somewhere.
I have three of them and they all cruise around the sand when the lights are off. Never seen mine stay in the same place for more than day.
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