Few pics of the pajama cardinal fish I got today (and an astraea made the photoshoot)


Saltwater OCD Victim
Please disregard the dirty back glass and the reflection of my camera. New to fish tank photography, and tank recently cycled so there's a lot of shtuff growing on the rocks and glass that my snails have yet to dominate over, but they're trying.



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I know right? Lol it felt like watching a snail cross an 8 lane highway.

This little guy is healthy as hell too. IDK if the pictures do him justice, but he is so extremely shiny and perfect looking with healthy fins. Very nice fish.

He's young too, only about the size of a quarter, plus tail.

Was very shy and timid all day and hid in the cave I have in the center of my tank but I coaxed him out of there with a toothbrush I use sometimes to clean small crevices of my tank and he popped out and swam around so I fed him some flakes which he loved and now he's all swimming around happy checking out his new home. Love the little dude.
I really like the random uniqueness of his patterns. It's very bizarre marking. That, and it's my girlfriend's favorite fish aside from a cowfish which I don't have a big enough tank for ofcourse. So the combination of me thinking it was very interesting looking, it being her fav, and it being very hardy, had me sold.

Next is either a pair of true percs, or a fire goby. IDK though, my sand isn't getting touched by my snails, so a sand sifting type of goby would be cool, but would fight the fire goby. That, and I want an algae blenny which would fight either of the two, right?