FINALLY! Our Clowns Hosted by Rainbow BTA


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BRS Member
We've had clownfish in our tank since the beginning, almost a year now. We added a Rainbow Bubble Tip Anemone in October last year. We've gone out of our way to encourage the anemone to host our clowns without any luck.

Finally, we found our small male clown hosted by the anemone on Thursday. He's been in and out over the last few days as they adjsut to eachother. We're excited they finally came together:


Please ignore the ugly white epoxy around the Montipora, I can't wait until it encrusts over it all.
Nice! I have to admit, I don't like the idea of them hosting anemones anymore because once they do that they don't swim around anymore, they just stay in their anemone and only come out when it's feeding time. At least mine do that. It's still pretty cool when they do host though :D
I have a rbta and regular BTA for my 4 clowns. Up until last month it took almost a year for them to to pick something to host in and they decided my Aussie gold torch was better then the bta's.
Owen (the smaller, male clown shown above) has been trying to talk a Monti Cap into hosting him for the last few weeks before he found the anemone.


Our Jawfish moved his burrow into the substrate right below the anemone, I hope that having the clowns hosted nearby doesn't cause any drama. We shall see.
Cool. Mine now host three of my nems. They still swim around though. What i don't like is they are both super aggressive now if I am in the tank. At first is was just the male but now both constantly attack my hand while its in the tank. So its a pain to try to hold a frag in place while the super glue sets up some while getting attacked