found missing Christmas Wrasse

deb b

Non-member the overflow
it had been missing for a couple of months..
now the question is how to retrieve it...

if you have a direct line in your drain, shut off your pump, put a net at the end of your drain, and pull the durso. Voila, instant netted wrasse. :)
I wonder if thats where my yellow gobi went too....Hmmmm im inspired to look now....
I had a green chromis come up missing not long ago... Almost the same out come. I found it in the sump and it seems pretty happy in there too. I tried a few times to catch it but no luck yet. Good luck with the wrasse!!!
I had a green chromis come up missing not long ago... Almost the same out come. I found it in the sump and it seems pretty happy in there too. I tried a few times to catch it but no luck yet. Good luck with the wrasse!!!

I've tried to catch him a couple times...I don't want to stress him out....he does look very happy in there...

When I have more time I will attempt pulling the durso..