fragging a finger leather



OK so my finger leather coral that I have has tripled in size and I'm looking to frag it. I know how to go about it if it was a small finger leather but the piece I want to frag off and make into small pieces is roughly 6 to 7 inches big. I know with small leather coral you would just cut a finger off but this piece has a big stump to it. Could I still cut that stump up to make smaller pieces or I can't cut it at all?
Generally they are very hardy. I'd cut it anyway that seemed to make sense, probably making sure to include a part of a finger that shows polyps on each frag.

Depending on the specific type of finger leather it may be a little bit tricky to mount. IME the tricky part is that if you have the frag pressed into, or tightly rubber banded onto a rock or frag plug, the frag may tear and or start to rot/get a bacterial infection where it is pressed up against the mounting surface.

What I've found works with any of the finger leathers I have kept is;
-find a piece of rubble that has a bit of a U shape, or a bit of a hole in it about the size of the base of the frag
-Stick a plastic toothpick through the base of the frag, not too close to the bottom, probably closer to the middle
-Fairly loosely attach the tooth pic with a rubber band so that the base of the frag sits in the hole or low spot on the mount, You want it sort of hovering, or just lightly touching. Secure it with the toothpick, but keep it so there is no real pressure on the frag
-Don't touch it until the rubber band falls off (because rubber bands don't last long in saltwater, but they last a little longer than it usually takes for a frag to attach itself)
Thanks John I have no idea on the type but it has green tint to it. I was thinking of taking a needle and fishing line and going through the frag just like if it was a tooth pick and then gluing the pieces of fishing line down ever so gently.
I know for my toadstool, I can cut the top off completely and make frags from that and just leave the stem. Eventually the stem will heal and grow a new cap. I've never attempted making frags from the stem though. Sounds like an experiment is in the works ;)

FWIW, you can try unwaxed and unflavored floss as well instead of fishing line.