gauging intrest in another Worcester frag draft

if its $40 im in, and i can more than likely come too this one Yayyy, we should also do clams as well
do you have to be there to take part in the draft?
I'd like to participate but worcester is kinda far from boston - I think??
I want to be in too depend on the location. I can host one too.

has it been decided if its for corals or clams? sounds like it could be fun.


I prefer it is clam, you can't have too many clams. They are good filters. I think every tank with metal halide should have several clams in it. Both Anthony Calfo and Steve Tyree suggested in their books to use clams as part of the fitration system. Clam farms have to dose ammonium nitrate (ammonia and nitrate in plan English) in order to keep baby clam alive in addtion to photo synthesis under sun light.
im thinking there may be clams involved. Also a raffle for 2 super rare corals maybe from reeffarmers or atlantis.

Any suggestions on where to order the main entree's from?
yayyy i always wanted to do a clam draft since i saw the southern nh people doing one, ours of course is going to be better :D, im in for everything, maybe we can do the main thing from reefermadness like before, or would people like to try somewhere else??

rare coral hmmm...either atlantis or reeffarmers doesnt matter to me

clams i dont know where to order the group of them from any ideas??

Having just learnt how this works, count me in...depending on location... Concord seems fine, per Dong's offer... If clams are in, I'd like to get a maxima... (optimistic about future expansion...)
Maxima doesn't get very big and they requires less light too.

If we act sooner, we could wipe out Clamsdirect, but now it is too late.

May be we should ask those "Live Free or Die" (AKA, NH) people where they get their clams from.
Maxima doesn't get very big and they requires less light too.

If we act sooner, we could wipe out Clamsdirect, but now it is too late.

May be we should ask those "Live Free or Die" (AKA, NH) people where they get their clams from.
already tried they wont let me in on the secret :(, they dont wont to jinx the order very understandable, we can ask barry at to put together an order for us, maximas and croceas??
do you guys want to get small sized clams or med to large? i.e. 2.5"-3.5" or 4"-5" or 5"+ we can get more the smaller the size, also do you want a clam for everyone as well?
a clam for everyone so someone doesnt go home disappointed and at the end if you guys want to trade you can do so, i would like bigger than 3" so i dont have to bowl feed (dont have time for that) i think medium will work for everyone 3"-4.5"