Hello everyone

Update time; Its been a few weeks and the tank is doing great. I still need to get a mag. test kit, but as of toady my parameters are as follows
PH 8.0
KH 6 (going to try to come up to 7-8 with it)
Cal 420
phosphate 0 (surface level)
amm, trites and trates all 0

Ive got a few frags to see how they do, a RBTA and a long tentacle. A trio of peppermint, 1 skunk cleaner, a handful of red and blue leg crabs, a handfull of snails, a pair of percula clowns, (which I am dying to find in one of the two nems one of theese days) a blenney and a firefish. I am dosing seachem reef advantage mag. and cal., as well as reef builder alk booster.
I am still holding the powder brown in my quarr. tank, he is healthy as can be eating everything I put in front of him. I am going to wait for probably another week before I put him in the main tank just to be sure everything is stabilized. So far its looking good, no hiccups to speak of and everything seems to be happy. Theres a ton of life in the sump already too. The Cheato I got was full of pods, dusters and brittle stars.
So far I am happy with the progress, and I have met a bunch of great people here. The next addition will be an apex, since I sold the AC2, and my Freshwater tank. Hopefully this week I will pick one up. Heres a few pics




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