How big in your opinion should a frogspawn be to be considered a show piece?


Saltwater OCD Victim
My frogspawn keeps growing and growing and growing and I got it around May 2010 with only 3 heads at the time, and currently it is the size of a basketball cut in half.

I measured it when it was close to fully "pumped up" if you will, and it was approx. 9x9x6 with some heads branching even further. It's not exactly a perfect sphere.

Just wondering, i'm having a hard time finding pictures of huge frogspawns, or even ones my size aside from a dozen or so. So just wondering what exactly is considered "XL" and "show-piece" as far as this coral goes? I don't plan to frag it anytime soon, so its just going to keep growing even more. It never closes enough for me to accurately count how many heads it has so I have no idea but the heads it does have are much larger each than the heads i''ve seen on others too. It's like a weird shape and branch type than what i'm accustomed to.
A showpiece in a nano would get lost in a 210. It's all about scale. Frogspawn is a pretty generic LPS, so to an SPS snob, it is a weed, and would never be a show piece.

FWIW, I plan on a big piece in my new tank, already growing out in one of my holding tanks...if the new tank ever gets here in one piece.
imo, i agree with Jay... its a matter of scale... in a smaller tank like 3' or less, i would say the size of a softball, maybe a little bigger... in a large tank like a 180 plus, i would say a soccer ball to basketball size... but who really knows i guess... placement, imo, would have alot to do with it to... a good visual level and placement does alot, regardless of size...
well mines in a 30g and touches both the front, back, and right glass and extends leftward 9 inches. So it looks rather large for a 30g. I gotta get a picture up on here. JW really. And I certainly have to agree of it being a generic LPS. Its like the birdsnest of LPS or GSP/Xenia of softies I know. Just trying to decide if I wanna sell it already for a nice elegance coral or not. Well keeping a frag for my clowns ofcourse. Or whether I should keep the whole thing and try and make room elsewhere in the tank. I'm running out of room for new corals is essentially my issue and I have no bedroom space for a larger tank so im trying to see what corals I want to part with and which I want to keep judged on how wanted certain corals I have would be.
personally, I'd rather keep less frogspawn, and add some diversity if space is becoming an issue. With 10sq feet to aquascape coming up, space is not going to be a problem for me for a while
I love having a big coral in the tank and build around that 1 peice.....just get it to the size u want and then frag it
I'd also echo the size depends on the size of a tank...

I would clasify this as a show piece but at the same time it's a boring tank and it's almost too big...


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