How to identify Acans/ SPS Coral?


Does anyone know if there is a place to identify acans and other sps/ montipora? I'm looking for something similar to They seem to only have complete zoo listings...
Id'ing acans is fishy business... Someone can just start a name and they don't have true names IMO like most of the SPS... So I'd say you'd be pretty hard up for names for acans...
And the same is true for acros. With acros, just the specific sp ID is generally an educated guess at best since growth forms depend greatly on lighting, flow, and other factors. Grow a frag out for a few yrs, and you might be able to get a fairly accurate ID on it, maybe....

Now when we talk names, they are just that, Trade names that some reefer somewhere makes up. The only way to really be sure of the names thing is if the lineage can be traced, and more often than not this means "I know it's a Tyree super lemon crush because the guy I got it from swore that the guy he got it from, swore that the guy he got it from, swore that the guy she got it from, swore he was sure it was the real deal".... Not a very reliable system ;)
What I do know is that if you give it a wicked exotic and clever name, and add on stuff like "ultra" or some initials or something it makes it much more valuable, and if you say it's "Australian" you get to add a couple zeroes onto the price.
You could try reef central as well. They seem to have a few people that are fairly good at IDing corals.

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