I did a bad thing


Scott Stalter
BRS Member
well i went into an unnamed fish store in mattapoisett...(lol)....to look around and he had 2 spotted mandarines(sp) one was so skinny and i felt bad so i rescued him or it... i have high hopes, but i guess well have to wait and see...its poping around hunting and i just hatched bbs so between my fuge live rock and the new hatchlings i hope he pulls thrugh, im gonna try to get a pic here soon.:rolleyes:
I know where you went......:rolleyes: And yes, everytime he gets in a mandarin, it nearly starves before he puts in the 120. Once it's in there it never gets sold......
people say those types of things are bad things because if people keep buying them, so will the store. he did rescue one, but itll just make the store buy more.
but i hope the little bugger pulls through
IME, once a mandarin shows signs of malnutrition there is no turning back:(
It kills me to see them in stores in that shape. All too common too.
But good luck anyway.
ya he will definetly have a good home just hope im not striving for the impossible....i will give updates...

Mandarins are so nice,
I saw 8-10 of them Sat night, true and bullseye's AWEsome shape at Aqu Gallery Hudson NH, Superb tanks and conditions, (my first visit there)
Bright Coloring and fat. I almost bought one myself but still setting tank and they are difficult fishies.

Want one, go to AG.

Bob <Stimpy>
he didnt make it.....i know better than to buy anything from the shop in question, but i couldnt help myself on this one.....easy solution ...just dont go in there..lol
You might want to get a little glass jar that is big enough for the mandarin to get into. Lay the jar on its side and place mysis into the jar for the fish. With any luck the guy will find his way to the food and have an uninterupted meal (if he takes to frozen food).

good luck,

Now I've had just the opposite happen to me. I bought one that was big and fat and once he got home he just never did well and eventually passed.

Last summer I bought one from a BRS member and I have never seen him eat but he's still with me and doing GREAT! I love him!!
Mandarins are so nice,
I saw 8-10 of them Sat night, true and bullseye's AWEsome shape at Aqu Gallery Hudson NH, Superb tanks and conditions, (my first visit there)
Bright Coloring and fat. I almost bought one myself but still setting tank and they are difficult fishies.

Want one, go to AG.

Bob <Stimpy>

Yes, I've been wanting one since I started my tanks, but I started out with a Scooter Blenny first (actually have one in each tank - and they are doing great)

But the mandarins have always been high on my "want list", and saw them all at AQ the other day.

But the guys at AQ are cool. They advised me to hold off on the Mandarin since my tank is new (not yet a year). And seeing that I already had pod-hunter, that I could end up starving them both out if I introduced a mandarin. That's good advice. So many other stores will sell you "whatever" just to make a buck. I totally respect that AQ takes the time to feel out the situation and see if it's right or not before allowing you to buy it.

So I am ~patiently~ waiting (until maybe next spring perhaps) and will see if my main tank is mature enough to support one then.

They are certainly beautiful fish.
Now I've had just the opposite happen to me. I bought one that was big and fat and once he got home he just never did well and eventually passed.
the same thing happened to me with my first attempt of a mandarin. i had so many pods in my tank i literaly dont think youd believe me if i told you. but my mandarine was literaly sitting on top of pods but would not eat:(
but now i have another one that i got like last march or april that is doing amazing
not sure what the rules are on naming stores on here, but i will say it is the only pet store in mattapoisett.
Mandarin's are fairly difficult to keep IMO
Ive had 4 over 20 yrs, 1 successfully(3-4yrs, 2 fairly successfully2-3yrs, 1 for about a month(tank crashed).
My biggest success even with the pods (they have to be the right size for the mandarin to eat), was hatching out live brine shrimp. That is one of their main diets, live, and fairly easy to hatch out the cysts if you know the tricks. (bleach and vinegar washes. I have details.) But the size i've read, heard, and practiced, seems to be one key to success.
I find and researched they are very finiky eaters and I consider difficult to keep happy and healthy.

Bob <Stimpy>
ive hatched brine shrimp but have not heard about vinigar washes? could you please just quickly explain this? i would imagine it is pretty self explainetory, but also just the benifits. thanks!
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