I want your inputs on what I'm planning to upgrade my flow to.

this is me

I like turtles
BRS Member
I've been thinking about doing this for awhile but never had the time or money to. Currently, i'm not happy with the flow in my tank at all thanks to the SWCD that cut the flow by more than 50%. And i also used the clear tubing so now coralines are growing and it looks really nasty. Time to upgrade....
Well, the problem here is I dont know which to go with, either a 4-way Squirt or a 3/4" Seaswirl. There is too much plumbing involved on the Squirt that i dont know if i can manage to put it together without leaking. I also dont think i have much room for the plumbing of the Squirt. I've seen a Squirt working on Nuno's tank and I really liked it.
Seaswirl is simple, just plug and play but it's very bulky..........I've also seen it working on Dave's tank and really liked it as well.
Any inputs or comments on which one I should go with?
If you're looking for simple, stay away from the squirt in my opinion. Go with the seaswirl, and save all that plumbing work for your next tank.
I've never seen a seaswirl in action so I can't really comment... I like my OM Squirt a lot, but as Nate said (and as you saw on my tank) the plumbing is not exactly simple...
