I'd really like to add a skunk cleaner. Pushing my luck with bio-load?


1 Firefish
1 False Percula
13lbs+ LR
DSB including 10lbs LS

So roughly, I'm guessing that I'm down to 10g water.

The false percula sometimes passes up on the flake food so I'm thinking the skunk would clean that up?

I may be answering my own question here... So I guess the rule of thumb is 1 cubic inch of fish per 5g. Will the firefish and false percula exceed this when grown to full size?
The shrimp will not contribute to bioload. If anything it will alleviate some biological load (same with crabs, snails, and other detrivores). I think your two fish will be fine in the 12g, if you take care of it. A small skimmer would be good if you don't have one.
That's great new, thanks all.

I change water twice a week. Looking into a skimmer. I've decided to get one but not sure which I will go with.
Go for the Scarlet Skunk cleaner shrimp. They are great detrivores and also keep the algae down. They set up cleaning stations and the fish drop by occasionally.
They're neat to watch.
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