Is 200 nassarius snail overkill?

No I was referring to bluemerle's response to Bruno's post.

Believe it or not that is the same exact thing that happens to turbo Snails that are collected in Southern California (one reason we don't like to stock many "Mexican Turbo Snails")
And unfortunately it is the case for many marine organisms that are brought into the trade, that should really be left in the ocean. (Catalina Gobies are another good example) We as responsible aquarists really need to do more homework and research before purchasing live organisms, to make sure we are providing the proper environment to our animals and ensure they do not disrupt our closed balanced ecosystems.
I agree with the above and fortunately I did know about this.

To the OP, even if they were the "good" ones, I usually add my cleaning crew slowly as time goes on. For example, my tank has been up since 12/10 or around there. After the cycle I added a dozen Astreas and 6 hermits. I did the same the next week and will go slowly from here as food/detritus builds up and I have always done well with this method. I would never add more than a dozen or so of one kind at a time, never mind 200!
Thanks everyone for the responses...just so it's clear I did not add all the 200..lmao...I won't tell you how many I did add as it's still an embarassing amount..

I did however manage to get "most" of them out. I'm still picking them out as I see them.

I will say this though..I will never never never ever make another flippen purchase without posting first..:eek: I was so freaking out yesterday it wasn't even funny.

Just an fyi here are the snails I purchased:
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