Joes Juice Mishap


I went to kill a giant aptasia in my tank with joes juice, and that damn syringe they give you got clogged and the "popped" a huge cloud of joes juice into my tank. Im wondering if this is OK, or if everything in my tank is now going to go the way of the donosaurs. They say its reef safe, but some ofthis stuff landed on my BTA, and it doesnt look so hot....
From what I understand, Joe's juice can be dosed to the entire tank or just one individual animal.

maurod said:
From what I understand, Joe's juice can be dosed to the entire tank or just one individual animal.

I don't think so, I believe it needs to be applied directly to whatever you want to control... I've used it before but don't have the instructions at hand, or I would check. FWIW, I've also had the same thing happen (needle clogged, burst of white "stuff" into the tank) and nothing bad happened... but it didn't land directly on top of anything)

I'm pretty sure that it can make your PH rise. Test the water and act accordingly.

Also, keep in mind that it is made to kill aiptasia ANEMONE. I'm sure it's not good for your anemone either. Keep flow on it to ensure that nothing settles on the "burn" and keep an eye on it. If it is going south, get it out or all hell will break loose with your water.

I've done the same thing a few times without any serious side effects so don't worry about it
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