Keeping a Carnation Tree Coral in a 5G Pico - Impossible??? Or just very difficult???


Saltwater OCD Victim
Well like it or not, i'm gonna have to find out the hard way:

Picked this up today on a whim because I liked it, forgetting that it's "one of the most difficult corals to keep".

I know it's a NPS coral and I have Roti-Feast that I plan to target feed it with twice a day, and it's in a low light area, but will that be enough to keep it alive in a 5g?

I have yet to find any threads on anyone successfully owning one for more than a few months. =\
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What I do is leave the filter sock off and let the marine snow build up, it's not the prettiest but other people don't notice it and it feed all NPS and sponges... I love my sponges they're sooooooo cool. Also the marine snow isn't very noticeable
I don't fully understand what you mean. How does the marine snow build up?

I have a closed system so there is no filter sock. I just give a few squirts of Roti-Feast in the morning, afternoon, and night. I have to keep an eye on my water conditions though t make sure it doesn't get toxic or dirty in general.
I have to keep an eye on my water conditions though t make sure it doesn't get toxic or dirty in general.

I'd guess that would be your only issue. If you could keep the water clean enough in such a small tank while making sure the coral is getting enough food. I think you'll be fine, it's not like it's a full NPS tank that you'd have to feed a ton.

I'm basing my info on a little reading I have done a few months ago, so I would still keep looking for advice from someone who know's what they are talking about.
It's doing pretty damned good today I must say. Was extended to it's fullest. Bigger than when it was at the LFS even. And very red polyps. Maybe i'll get lucky...
One week later and it's still doing just fine (I relocated it to an area with more flow and more shade):

Seems happy to me. Great coloration, and always seems to perk up when I feed it.

I was kind of concerned when I noticed it's been a bit droopy, but apparently these don't grow straight up and instead grow downward and droop since they are usually found growing downward dangling from underwater caves.
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