Keeping multiple dwarf angels


I have a bi-color angel now, which i love. I have a thing for the angel fish and would also like to get a coral beauty angel as well.

Do you think they would fight?
Most likely they will fight. Best bet is to introduce them at the same time but even then it doesn't always work. Try adding the Coral Beauty when you upgrade to the 90 as it will be a new environment for the Bicolor and it will be less territorial. I have kept multiple centropyge together on numerous occasions successfully, but have also failed many times too. It's really up to the fish.

Good luck.
I've had 2 dwarfs in my 55 before it was mixed reef and it wasn't a happy ending... But everybody's mileage will vary...
I did have a coral beauty and a bi-color. The coral beauty was so laid back all it did was eat algae of the rocks. The bi-color pretty much kept to himself. Due to a tank crash a couple of years ago, I lost them both. Now I have a flame angel and he is very aggresive and would definitely not tolerate another dwarf in the tank. The point being, angels differ and as a general rule the bigger the tank the better. And adding them at the same time would be a good move.