Letter from Clams Direct?


Anyone get the letter from them today about pinched mantle? It seems they have sent some clams to a lab to try to find the cause and cure for PM disease. Seems pretty interesting. Here's the letter with a link for those that didn't get it.

The following is an email sent to you by an administrator of "Clams Direct". If
this message is spam, contains abusive or other comments you find offensive
please contact the webmaster of the board at the following address:


Include this full email (particularly the headers).

Message sent to you follows:

As most of us are aware that have been keeping clams for awhile the term,
"Pinched Mantle" so ClamsDirect has hired a Marine Aquatic Lab to help us ID the
problem and possible come up with a course of treatment.

This past year, ClamsDirect had stepped up to the plate and have found out that
this is most likely protozoan but need to ID. We have shipped health clams as
well as infected ones to this lab for testing and have paid for cultures sample
and 3 histo slides and histopathology. More research and DNA is needed but
ClamsDirect does not have much more money in the budget to continue so please
take the time to read this thread on our support forum.


Thanks for your support..

I got it too. But it is kinda...

A while ago I registered on their site and encountered some technical issue during the registration process. I email them several times and never heard from them.

Now, they actually listed me as a member and asked for donation.

Talk ablout the bad taste...
Gee, that's unusual, I ordered a couple of times, and each time Barry called me a couple of days later to ask how they arrived, and how they were doing.
Got the clam pinch from group buy clams that were supposed to have been quarantined for a month. They had the pinch when they arrived. At the time there were not lot of LFS selling clams, and no one had heard of pinch. Every clam in the group buy died within a month, the pinch killed all of my other clams also. Had he told us that they were transhipped clams and not clams held in his systems for quarantine, I would not have bought them. I replaced the clams with ones from local stores that I can see before purchase. Never had a probelm with a local clam.

Guess that he took me off the mail list since he knew I would not buy from him again! Can you tell that I am still a little upset over this?
I was actually at the meeting in Maine when a grad student from UM, Orono offered to attempt to ID the protozoan and possibly the route of infection. Barry's a nice guy to boot.
yes, I can tell.

Because I never buy from him so I am not really an important customer. I find it is kinda shameless the way he did it. Also, asking for donation for a for profit motive is a shame.
yes, I can tell.

Because I never buy from him so I am not really an important customer. I find it is kinda shameless the way he did it. Also, asking for donation for a for profit motive is a shame.

Damn Dong, your an angry guy lately...If you ever signed into his forum you are on his mailing list. I'm sure he doesn't go back and look to see who bought from him and who didn't when asking for donations. I wouldn't say he is doing this for profit either, although figuring out a cure to this disease would certainly help lower his losses. If you have a problem with Clams Direct, then don't donate...it's as easy as that.
I've never been able to sign into his forum and he collected my personal information but ignore me after that. Base on the information availabe on the web, I am not sure $2500 worth of research can yield any useful imformation. Either he is throwing his money away or he wants to throw yours.
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I am not sure $2500 worth of research can yield any useful imformation. Either he is throwing his money away or he wants to throw yours.
Your not including the labor donated by the grad student and UMaine, plus the facilities and materials donated by the Marine Sciences program.
I have bought from clams direct was very happy with my purchase as well as the service.

As for the issue with pinched mantle it is no different than red bugs or AEFW. They are part of the hobby and there will always be something new on the horizon.

He is not ignoring the problem but trying to find a cure. I doubt he made out any better than anyone else. So to knock him for trying to better the hobby whether he can afford to do it himself or not, I think is unfair.

I am not knocking people for being upset that they bought clams that died and killed existing livestock but the risk remains and even with the knowlege of quarantining livestock people still end up in these situations.
Pinch being a protozoan is old news. They already know what protozoan it is. It affects commercial shellfish hatcerhies too.
yes, I can tell.

Because I never buy from him so I am not really an important customer. I find it is kinda shameless the way he did it. Also, asking for donation for a for profit motive is a shame.

Dong I understand what you are saying, but if he can find a way to cure or ID this issue won't we all advance?

Gezzz the goverment does this all time to us in taxes, and we don't seem to mind:D If only they could cure A.D.D.....So, how's the Sox going to do this year?:confused:
Pinch being a protozoan is old news. They already know what protozoan it is. It affects commercial shellfish hatcerhies too.

Marc, please see JeremyR's reply. Why do you think Clamsdirect will do much better for the research. By the way, I am not upset because of purchase (I never buy from him), what I am upset about is the way I was treated by Clamsdirect.
Marc, please see JeremyR's reply. Why do you think Clamsdirect will do much better for the research. By the way, I am not upset because of purchase (I never buy from him), what I am upset about is the way I was treated by Clamsdirect.

I understand, and would feel the same way.

Maybe your right...Who knows?:eek:
Marc, please see JeremyR's reply. Why do you think Clamsdirect will do much better for the research. By the way, I am not upset because of purchase (I never buy from him), what I am upset about is the way I was treated by Clamsdirect.

Why is it that you think the scientists C.D. has working on this won't do better? Just because the cause was known to be protozoan doesn't mean any money or research was put into finding a way to fight it.
If something/research is being done to find a cure for the problem, then it's good for all clam owners AND good for anyone RETAILING clams. Probably more ($) benificial to the retailer, but still good for anyone.

(Or this is a cop out and someone is trying to justify selling sick/not properly screened/QT'd lifestock, which could be carrying a fatal problem, and calling it research?)

IMO, when there's any talk of ANY clam problems "going around" anywhere in the reefkeeping community - I think it's a good idea to simply not buy any clams. 6-12 months later, the supply lines will be different or something, but what you want will be available again and with a lowered risk of problems.
I guess my point is the commercial shellfish industry which is huge and has much more at stake has not been able to cure the protozoan.. I'm betting alot of it has to do with clams being sensitive to most things that will kill protozoans.

Smells of elegance project to me.