live brine shrimp


Live brine shrimp I was watching on youtube how to hatch brine shrimp,.. my question is I have a hippo tank, 2 clown , 3 damsel. Would live brine shrimp be good for them and if so... how long can I keep the hatchery on? It said 24 to 40 hour but those are for fry,.. so is it better to keep them much longer said 4 day and then feed them to the hippo, clown fish.

Thank you for the answer.
Yeah, live brine are a good food source, especially if the brine are well fed.

No idea how long they last, maybe someone else knows.
I've been raising brine for a couple years. I don't always have a culture going but start one up every few weeks as needed. I keep a phyto farm in my basement so that setup works well once they're hatched. I think the key is reducing their populations as they grow. I feed them a combination of a dried rotifer food (Roti Rich - Florida Aqua Farms) and live phyto. After they are hatched I split the nauplii into 2 or 3 48oz wide-mouth PET jars (I use these for phyto culture) with aeration. Every day or so I'll harvest 1/3 - 1/2 of each culture and feed it to the DT. This serves to thin the populations and change the culture water. If I see a buildup of detritus on the bottom of the culture jars I'll do a 100% water change.

A couple things to keep in mind. These guys are really fussy about salinity. To hatch them you want the water at right around 1.017-1.020. Once hatched I'll slowly bring that up to my DT salinity with each harvest/water change. Also, they will eat anything... including pods. So be careful about over-feeding your DT or other populations may suffer.

I can keep cultures for a week or more without problem as long as I stay on top of things. That's just about as long as it takes for them to mature.
jt covered it pretty well here, its a lot of work to grow out brine from eggs, plus you need phyto and other stuff, unless you have very picky eaters i wouldnt bother.