Live Rock Drs.Foster Smith -

Not bad


That looks like advertised .... I think I 'll check out Aqua Addicts and a couple of other locals ... if they are close ... I'll buy from them, but if not .... I'll go to LiveAquaria ... they look like one of the better of the mail orders.

I prefer to buy local, but most of what I have seen as "Live Rock" looks like base rock.

I like your scale .... I am partial to English Pint Glasses.

Best regards,

You want Fiji live rock. There is no substitute. All this artificial or Atlantic live rock pales in comparison.

I bought my original live rock (Walt Smith) through what was then Flysing Fish Express (now Dr. Fosters and Smith), and I found the quality second to none. From all the other live rock I have acquired in bits and pieces over the years, often from LFSs, none has come close to the quality of the Walt Smith rock.

Matt L. said:
You want Fiji live rock. There is no substitute. All this artificial or Atlantic live rock pales in comparison.

I agree, if you replace "Fiji" with "Pacific" in that sentence... Kaelini, Tonga, Marshal Island, Tuvalu, etc all come from the Pacific and are all very interesting rock. Actually, IMHO, much more interesting in shape than Fiji, which tends to be more roundish.

nunofs said:
I agree, if you replace "Fiji" with "Pacific" in that sentence... Kaelini, Tonga, Marshal Island, Tuvalu, etc all come from the Pacific and are all very interesting rock. Actually, IMHO, much more interesting in shape than Fiji, which tends to be more roundish.

That's true. It was a mis-type on my part. I have actually used Tonga rock as well, and find it equally as appealing. Seriously folks, you want Pacific live rock. I have yet to see in a LFS around here with equal to that I bought from Walt Smith,

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