Lost my CBB

Joel A

Started over.
Sucks, just absolutely sucks. I knew the risk when i purchased the fish, but i thought i was in the clear considering it's been doing great for 2 months...

Don't really know what i want out of this thread, probably just to educate people more than anything. Don't take to these fish lightly, i have a well established, well maintained reef tank, and haven't lost a fish in about 1 1/2 years (when i first set it up). Still, i was unable to keep this fish.

Not really sure why i lost him, he's not overly skinny, he doesn't appear to have any parasitic or bacterium issues.. my guess is physical injury.
One of the fishes pelvic (ventral?) fins is very stiff, and he had been having trouble swimming with it all day long yesterday. Not sure what else it could be other than the fish injured itself in between rocks or something of that extent.
Did you have tangs in there with him? For some reason, tangs and large angels seem to stress out CBBs and they don't pick at the rocks like they do in tanks without them. I've noticed a pattern of them doing better in systems without them.
nope, no other large fish. The CBB could have def. been the king of the tank if it wanted. Nothing in there buy a pair of clowns and a small lyretail anthias.