mini protien skimmers, and their benefits


I've seen other people get shot down over this question on other forumsso please don't blast off on me. I just want everyone else's opinion on the subject. I have a 10 gallon tank and have been thinking of getting a mini protein skimmer as I've been getting a lot of build-up on my sand, and when I have fish my nitrates stay around 20 ppm.. any ideas/experience/input would be taken into great consideration and would be highly appreciated! Thanks BRS!
They used to be useless, but now there are many good options. Check out the aquaticlife mini skimmer for a internal one, and reefoctopus for a hob one.
a HoB skimmer would be your best bet. if you decide to go skimmerless you can do large water changes weekly. my 10g mantis tank is skimmerles and i keep the nitrates at about 5-6ppm with a weekly 75% water change. i vacum the sand ,rocks, and remove the filter floss and live rock rubble from my HoB filter and wash that. also make sure you have a large cleanup crew to quickly eat up any missed food. it may sound live overkill but i have 15-20 hermits and 5 nassarius snails in my 10g
i have a HOB fuge from Finnex, the original HOB filter from the tank which i use for water flow/basic filtration of food/floaties (contemplating on taking it out because i just received a Hydor Pico pump 200 which gives good flow in my 10 gal, and am contemplating on buying this protein skimmer). would the mini protien skimmer make up for the filtration of uneaten food, detritis, floaties, etc, in the original HOB filters place? and jarrod, i like the idea of the aquaticlife protein skimmer, but it said its good for UP TO 30 gallons. does that mean that it would be over-kill in my 10 gallon? has any one else had one on their 10 gallon? and WOOKIE, any ideas on a mini HOB skimmer? and would a mini one still cost like $150? and for my clean up crew, i have a few blue leg hermits of various sizes, i have 3 scarlet hermit crabs, 2 nassarius snails, and one electric orange hermit thats the size of a quarter. i have various pods, and what i call "tank bugs", as well as small little white worms that wiggle along the glass. i also have 5-6 mini serpent stars, but could have more because the guy at my LFS said they spread like woah.
If I put a mini skimmer on such a small tank (10 gallons), would it create a bunch of micro-bubbles?
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