Moving - advice needed


Going to be moving to a new home at the end of August. Are there any gotchas or advise to moving a mixed reef tank.

Only a 65 gallon tank. Figured I'd do a water change the day before. keep anthor 20 gallons of fresh salt mix for when we get to new place. Get a couple more brute trash bins for water rock and coral. Split fish up into 5 gallon buckets. Leave 1/2" of water for any critters left in the sand.

Anything else?

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Why is this thread marked "reef deal"?

When you say do a water change the day before, do you mean that you'll transport the water to the new place? If so keep that water moving. While freshly made salt mix will not go bad if left to stand still, water out a living reef with all the suspended organics will turn foul pretty quickly.

Why brute trash bins for water, rock, and coral? Unless they don't fit in something smaller, I would go with 5 gallon buckets. It will make transport much easier. 20 gallons of water weighs about 165 lbs. It's one thing to lift that with a barbel at the gym, and quite another to carry it around in an awkward bulky cylinder with water sloshing around, torquing it in just the wrong direction.
Not sure why it's marked reef deal. Something with tap talk? Idk.

Do a water change day before the move to take out any leftover food/waste, as the move will move stuff around and stir up unwanted waste in the water column.

Smaller brute barrels are easy to move and lose less water via splash over then 5 gallon buckets.

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Remove any water you are trying to save BEFORE you remove any rocks from the sandbed. And get any water that you'll pack your corals/fish in. Once you start pulling rocks out of the sand, it clouds up the water with all sorts of funk that you'll prefer not to bring along, let alone transfer critters in.
Great tip I probably would have done the opposite and immediately regretted it.

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Just gonna toss this out there as ive moved a bunch 5 gallon buckets work much better those 20g brute trashcans while it has been said they are very heavy they also aren't really made to be lifted while full of water and they don't hold their shape at all
Pro tips, love em. Biggest worry is a recycle of the tank. New sand with certainty help avoid that I think...

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Yeah I hear that... I could do 5 brute barrels 15 gallons each , have them staged in my truck, and pump directly in to them. At new house use 5 gallon buckets to move water back into tank.

This is gonna be a process....

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If you can pump water do it, trust me it will save your back and energy, just remember to remain calm and make a list
How many towels are you expecting you will need? Double that number lol. Towels towels and more towels
If your close to Plymouth I have 20>30 5g buckets with lids you can borrow. Til recently I've moved my tanks, no less then 6 tanks, 1>2x a year. It's tough, be patient, give yourself more time then you think, start early. If you are settled on your rock work take pictures, it helps put things back together, and put in buckets by the section it was removed from to keep them together. Stock up on glue beforehand for corals, plot in advance what corals are going in the same buckets to help keep the wars down during the process. Make new water, plus some in advance as well. I'd only use the old water for transport, and make new water for the entire sum needed. I always keep my sand, and keep it wet in the tank. Wrap the top with seran wrap it'll help keep the moisture in, and any splashing. Firm surface for the tank to sit on in the car/truck. I have rimless tanks so i use foam all around, things shift during the drive. Plan on corals not going in the first day. Take advantage of the move to clean equipment up before using again.
How far of a move is it? I went with brute cans for rock and a couple 5gal for fish and corals. If going to be any extended amount of time get yourself a battery powered air pump for your fish buckets. I would use all new water (other than whats needed for the move)when at the new house, all your rocks will have the bacteria you should need. Second the new sand unless you want to take the time to rinse (can use old tankwater) and reuse.
How far of a move is it? I went with brute cans for rock and a couple 5gal for fish and corals. If going to be any extended amount of time get yourself a battery powered air pump for your fish buckets. I would use all new water (other than whats needed for the move)when at the new house, all your rocks will have the bacteria you should need. Second the new sand unless you want to take the time to rinse (can use old tankwater) and reuse.
Only going a mile down the road thankfully. Think I'm gonna by a few of the smaller brute barrels and then donate them after the move.

How long can corals survive in barrels. Was thinking of getting some cheap power heads and heaters that way i can take my time over a day or two to get it all back together.

I want to build a new stand and buy a new sump while I'm at it. We will see what the wife says. [emoji23]

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No difference between the brute and a tank other than not being able to see them as easy and light height. As long as you have water movement, heat, and lighting all should be well. Maybe get the stand built before the move? Maybe throw the coral and fish in a temporary tank while you get your display tank the way you want it. If planning on taking a while I'd throw your skimmer or air pump to let the fish breathe and test the water.
If I had to move a tank which I haven’t had to yet, it would either be the first thing or last thing I moved. Get some friends to help ya, as suggested use 5 gal buckets, brutes, etc to transfer rock, coral fish. Have some saltwater premixed at the new house ready to go. Once the tank is setup, I’d personally start with new sand since u probably won’t have time to clean the old sand and then just move everything over. Upgrading a tank and moving to a new house probably isn’t much different besides the sloshing of water during transport

Good luck
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