My First Instructional Video: Biological Filtration with a Marinepure block


Hi All,

This saturday I was planning on introducing a marinepure block to my nano setup and decided to film it.

This video covers how you can increase stability in your reef tank, decrease nitrates, and grow a pod population


If you have any feedback I'd love to hear itconstructive criticism is very much welcome.

Nice job rob, good editing, never seen those blocks before awesome idea to seed it too.
Can't wait to see how it does. Keep the videos coming.
Thank You... Timely!!! I have been researching these blocks and starting to increase my pod population via mail order. I gave your video a quick look but I need to view it a couple of more times and really soak it in, I'm very interested in possibly giving this a try.

Thanks Again,

Thanks - I'm really impressed with the Marinepure product and think it's perfect for a sump. The only potential downside I've come across is that the blocks contain aluminum and there have been measured increases in aquarium aluminum levels when using the marinepure ceramics. What I don't know is whether the aluminum is bio-available, harmful, or if it is only introduced when the block is broken apart. Similar ceramic media are used in bio-filtration stages for drinking water / sewage water processing. In the end, I think the huge gains in filtration and pod-space outweigh the very moderate risk of increased aluminum.
I'm sure you have seen thread on RC, if not its a good read I'm still sifting through it. One thing I find a bit odd is that for years we have been told to get the Bio-Balls out of our sumps as they are nothing but a Nitrate factory, now its suggested to replace them with a cinder block of essentially the same material.

Thanks Jim, what's old is young again eh?

I think this block, at least the thicker variant can be thought of more as a supremely convenient "remote deep sand bed" than the more classic trickle or canister bio-ball filter. Where bio-balls or small ceramic media focus on high oxygen environments for nitrifying bacteria, the thicker block will ideally also provide a low oxygen, highly permeable environment for denitrifying bacteria. I think the argument against bio-balls is that "Ok, so you've converted the ammonia to nitrite / nitrate... Now what?"

The revolution in reef tank husbandry has been the concept of "ultra low nutrient systems" which leverage large bacteria populations to remove nitrates and phosphates from the tank. Most of these systems are so effective that they bottom out the nitrate and are unable to remove phosphates (as the bacteria need a ratio of very roughly 16:1 nitrate / phosphate to complete their metabolic process). Many of the new ULNS care packages actually include nitrate in one of their magic dosing bottles...So these people are effectively dosing their tank with nitrates! What?

Well... it's a brave new world.
Thanks!! In trying to go back to RC to reread the thread I see there is more than one, I'm referring to the long one with input from Randy.

Thanks!! In trying to go back to RC to reread the thread I see there is more than one, I'm referring to the long one with input from Randy.


I just searched Randy's RC posts going back to 2014 and found none commenting on this stuff. Could it have been on another forum, or possibly another Chemistry person you are thinking of?
Sorry John the thread was not started by Randy but he gave several inputs, Its a multi-page thread on RC I found a link someplace I'll look again.

Can you post some info on the channel, I would be interested.


when you watch the video hit the youtube button bottom right which takes you to youtube as opposed to watching it in the embedded window and from there you can hit subscribe to his channel, then when you go to youtube you can see if anything new has been posted by the channels you subscribe to.

Channel is probably not the right term but it is how I think of things :)
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