Narrissus Snails vs Large Feather Dusters


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Help !

My large Narrissus Snails are swarming all over the feather dusters.

they are all over the opening of the tube. They appeared to be pulling the worm out of the tube.

the worms themselves seem happy enough, fully extended, retracting quickly when threatened. Although they were not able to do so when the snails came between the "feathers" and "tube opening".

Why are they doing this ? Is there anything I can do to protect the feather dusters ?


wow sounds like you got the giant tongan snails. they always appered to me to be more carnivorous. feed them some clam or pellets. maybe they are smelling or detecting all the organic compounds that the feather duster tube is constructed from.
Thank You !

We thought of the same thing, after the initail panic pasted.

We put in some scollop which they have all gathered around the food we put in, which gave us some breathing room.

I have now moved the feather dusters up on to the rock work, just about an inch off the sand. I think the narrissus snails only stay on the sand, right ?

The feather dusters should be ok in the rock work right ?

yes from my experience the snails wich are mostly sand dwellers must have been very hungry. i have fed them clam and seen them move faster than turbo snails to get to it. its almost scary the way they hunt. keep them on the sand bed and they should be ok, but like any bottom dweller if they are hungry they will resort to natural instincts for food.
Which is understandable. I've been trying not over feed my tank so I'm feeding very lightly...guess I need to come back to feeding a little more.

Thanks for your thoughts, I think you're right, I may need to provide just a little more.

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