need help!! lettuce nudibranch


hi i need a lettuce nudibranch and i cant find one at any of the fish stores in R.I. i have a very bad bryopis alage problem so i was wondering if any one had one or three?like i said its a bad problem im pulling it off daily but seems to grow back thicker and faster.I have a blonde naso and bi color blenny hermits and snail but nothing is eating it.
Hi, welcome to the club.

I would suggest trying to limit nutrient levels to fix your problem. The nudi might trim it, but it'll keep growing.
Hi, welcome to the club.

I would suggest trying to limit nutrient levels to fix your problem. The nudi might trim it, but it'll keep growing.

I agree with John, the nudi may solve the issue short term but to ultimately "fix" the issue you need to figure out how to lower excess nutrients. Poor water quality can lead to many unwanted types of algae. The other thing I would be careful of is that while nudi's do a good job in the short term, they do have a habit of being tank food going through a powerhead plus they don't have the highest survival rate in captivity.

Oh and welcome to the BRS:)
ok thanks i just bougt np biopellets to put in my reactior should i put anything else in reactior with it?
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June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
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