need rotifers for seahorse babies

I have heard from other peope that Skipston's pet center sells rotifers at their store, you might want to check them out
Rotifer/copepod/plankton cultures

Sorry I can't help now For the future:

Carolina Biological Company is the supplier that I use for school and they have kits to culture copepods, rotifers, and zooplankton. You can order them online at (they have an online catalog) and they ship in a day or two. You can culture them in 2 liter soda bottles. This works well for brine shrimp as well. I just used up the last of the ones that I had and will be ordering more soon. They just need some food, I used wheat and a bit of oxygen for a few minutes once a day. I had some great ones going. My green mandarin was about 3 inches when I got him and now he is about 5 1/2 inches and really fat and healthy. He loves them. They attach to the glass on sand in the tank and he eats them right off the glass or sand

cougaran said:
A fellow club member from CTARS is trying to breed seahorses. He could really use rotifers and a phyto culture to start him off. Is anyone going to the Sat meeting that could bring me some so I can give it to him. No one in our club seems to have any going at the moment.. Thanks..
You might also e mail Lourdes at Beacon Aquarium in Worcester. She is setting up a table at the meeting and they have bottles of copepods and zooplankton in their store. She might be able to bring some for you.