New fuge, moved skimmer and now it isn't skimming


This could just be me not being patient. I bought a new Bubble Magus NAC7 about a week ago. Put it in my old sump and in about 2 hours it was producing skimmate. Worked great for the next week or so. I then made a new fuge and cleaned out the skimmer and put it in there. Now it isn't skimming at all. Does this have to "break in" again?
Well,I think you need to be a little more patient.
I find the bubble column will fall in the skimmer if I just put my hands in the tank.
So if you have been rearrainging stuff it could take a while bfore it starts working properly again.
i agree with Bob, when you moved or remove your skimmer, especially clean it, it is gonna need a "break in" period again, to which establish its "foam head" again... dont worry, if your skimmer was fine before you cleaned it, and was reassembled properly, you have nothing to worry about, jus give it a day or two :)
Man...Was working like a charm for about 30 minutes, now nothing again.....I know, I know...patience......But, would it work for a while and then all of the sudden stop?
Did you do a water change when you made the move?
Maybe there's just not a whole lot for it to skim.
I did, but only about 15 gallons. It is a 125 with a 20 gallon fuge. By no skimmate I mean I have the water level at the bottom of the cup and it just stays there. Had a nice head on a little while ago, but that is now gone. Back to just bubbling at the cup line. Nice tiny bubbles and the chamber is full, just not rising up at all...
Is the new fuge made of acrylic? The oils from acrylic tend to kill all skimming for a little bit
I didn't know that.....But, nope, it's a glass 20 gallon long (took advantage of the dollar a gallon sale and that is as big as I can fit under my stand. I'll let her run over night and check it out in the morning.......
Thanks for the replies. I also read that a bath in vinegar could help. That true?
Are the baffles acrylic? Perhaps even some oils accumulated just from working on the tank or something. Some most likely, as others have mentioned, it just needs to break in again for whatever reason. The only other thing I can think of, would be submersion depth. Some skimmers can be picky about the depth of water that they are submersed in. just a few other thoughts anyways....