New to forum


Hi my name is Joe. I have a 30 gallon saltwater tank and I plan on upgrading to a 150 gallon tank. I will need some corals, and I would like to know how the website works so that I will be able to purchase them from all of you wonderful people :) .
Hi Frank,
Thanks for the Welcome

I am about 8 months in. I have a have a 30 gallon saltwater tank a Aquarium Systems Seaclone 100 Protein Skimmer and Current USA 36" Satellite 96W Smartpaq pc Strip W/lunar Lights . I have live rock and a couple inches of live sand. I currently have only 3 small clowns, 1 3" clowns, 1 Mandarin Dragonet, 1 Lawnmower Blenny, 1 Heteractis malu Anemone and 1 Platygyr brain Coral.
Welcome to BRS!

Nice to have you here. I love to hear about folks doing an upgrade. What do you have running for your setup now? Do you have any corals in the current tank? You'll put many people at ease and maybe even make them eager once the BRS folks here know you've got the right setup. What are you gonna be running? I wish you the best of luck with you tank and may all your corals be as weeds in a garden.

~Scotch :.
Welcome!! Im still new to BRS but so far everyone is cool and helpful. I paid the membership fee to support the club and I attended the meeting last week. Watch the classifieds and contact sellers via post or PM. There is a rating systems so you can view expereinces others have had with that seller. That also works the other way so keep good comunication. Learn and ask questions there is a wealth of knowledge with all the members and forum regulars!!!
:w to the BRS Joe!

Keep an eye out for the for sales thread like Rob mentioned. Also, arranging sales at the meetings are a great way to meet fellow reefers as well.