Old video but a good one. About testing


Acro Garden, BRS Sponsor
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This may make you rethink about phosphate and nitrate etc.
If you limit one or more available "ingredients" to make algae , well you wont have any . Correct me if I am wrong but I believe you need Phosphate ( lets face it everything needs phospates ) nitrate , Iron and potassium to form the basic building blocks of life . I am sure there are more but I believe these are the most important ones , I guess I should toss magnesium in there too . I don't use any GFO , or anything else just the occasional carbon or a polyfilter . I have a fuge running with cheato and a cheapo UFO grow light and my overflow has plenty of hair and turf algae in it to feed my yellow tang lol. SPS is starting to get better , LPS corals seem to thrive . But remember this tank is only 4 mos old
Good video
I do think nitrates do hinder sps though. My purple milka poci was barely surviving and since mine dropped ( 50 to 10 ) it's actually regrowing.