Pajama Cardinals getting picked on Help!!!!


I got a pair of Pajama Cardinals on Saturday. They fins were fine. When I got home on Sunday after work I say my pair of False Perculas clown picking on them and biting their fins. So I put my clowns in a breeder net till I can figure out what to do. Any help with how to heal the Cardinals fins would be greatly appreciated. Also how can i get my clowns to stop picking on everything in the tank. I think it may have to do with that they are a mated pair and are laying eggs every two weeks.

David :.:.
Clowns can be territorial esp in a small tank, and even more so when they're hosting in an anemone. How big is you tank, and are they hosting in an anemone?
IMO, and FME, there's not enough real estate in that tank for the pair of cardinals to coexist with the mated clowns. Given the territorial tendencies of the clowns, the cardinals will likely be beaten to death by the clowns over time as they're all trying to share the same swimming column.
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Thanks for your input Steven. I was able to return the fish to my lfs. I was just wondering around what size tank can I start having more than just 2 clowns and my lawn mower blenny. I have a fifty gal tank that I don't have up and running yet.
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I have 3 fish in my 29gallon and it seems ideal. Two clowns and a midas blenny. A fourth small fish is certainly possible. My 4th, a 6-line wrasse is in 'time out' (quarantine tank) for bad behavior and destined for a frag tank.

I'd think you could easily do 2 more fish, even 3 in a 50 gal. It always depends on the fish, their size, how must waste they produce, and individual behaviors. I don't like telling anyone there is a hard rule. Do what is best for your individual tank and stock. Nothing wrong to add a fish or two, and later remove them if things don't work out for whatever reason.

Another consideration is how much space you have. If you have a rock packed tank, less room for fish. If you have a rock sparse tank (maybe its mostly in a big sump, for example), then you have more room for fish. But, need to balance needs out. Adequate hiding spots and such are important too.
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