Problems with 400 Watt Blue Life SPS bulbs


Has anyone here had any problem with 400 Watt 10000K Blue Life SPS bulbs? I changed over to 3, Icacap 400w ballasts and 3, Icecap 250/400 DE/HQI Pendant's with 10k SPS bulbs. After about a month one of them died and about two weeks later another and the final on died 3 days after that. the ballasts test out fine and the pendants are also fine. I had a few 250 bulbs and ballasts kicking around so I switched to that for the time being. havn,t had any power surges that I can tell, just cant quite figure out why within 2 months $250.00 worth of bulbs up and die on me. Mostly just venting here but if anyone had any ideas or input I would appreciate it.