Question about "fake" anenomes & coral decorations


no special title
We've got our QT tank going right now, and we're hypo'ing our clowns who've come down with ich :(
In the display, each clown has their own anenome. I think they're both going to be lost without their homes.
I've seen the fake ones at the stores, and was wondering what the opinion was about them.
Does anyone think it might help them to be less stressed if they had something cushy to snuggle in?
We have some pvc in there too for hiding spots, but I thought the phoney anenome might help?

Thanks !
I really doubt that the clowns would try to host in fake anemones. I have a pair of true percs and a pair of maroons and seperated both pairs from the BTA's they were with, for ick treatment. No problems. Clowns did fine and went right back to their hosts as soon as they were returned to them.