Question regarding my 8 gallon Bio-Cube

Kevin McG

Ni Hao!
Wife and I have a nice little 8 gallon bio-cube setup in the kitchen that has some zoas a sun coral along with an anemone and 1 percula clown. I was wondering if I get another really small clown they would do fine in that small of a tank? our clown looks sooo lonely :(
Thanks everybody, I kinda thought it would be ok but figured it only takes a minute to ask :)

Now the search begins for a small Perc :)
I'll snap some when I get a chance, it's nothing spectacular but now that the season is upon us I plan on stocking it better with some low light stuff.
Here's an actinic shot I took tonight, nothing great as you can see but I really want to turn this into something nice over this winter.


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Hey Kevin
If you are looking for jut a common false perc.Aquarium Gallery has had some nice ones from the college in RI,or the fish bowl here in Milford has them also from the same place but theres are cheaper.
That would be a great tank to overskim on.

Skim... Na water changes work just fine if done on a VERY regular basis :p

Hey Kevin
If you are looking for jut a common false perc.Aquarium Gallery has had some nice ones from the college in RI,or the fish bowl here in Milford has them also from the same place but theres are cheaper.

I'll check them out, thanks for the heads up.

Looks nice, I love how the anemone is perfectly in the center.

Ya! he was on the rock for a while but headed up the back wall about 3 weeks ago :)