Reefer nano Build

Well while waiting on my lid my black-ray goby decided to jump out last night. Any thoughts on having a goby pair with a pistol shrimp pair? I have two pistols now with no goby. I’m hoping having two gobies I would see all more often.
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In 2 different tanks, I have 2 goby pairs each with pistol shrimp. The larger goby of each pair is visible almost all the time. Much of the time both are visible.

With 2 pistol shrimps the pair might split apart and guard 1 shrimp each. I had 2 pistol shrimps in one tank with one goby pair and the 2 gobies lived apart for a long time, but even at opposite ends of the tank the gobies never fought. That pair is back together now. My guess is one of the shrimps might have died, but it’s difficult to know with the tiny candy cane pistol shrimps.
In 2 different tanks, I have 2 goby pairs each with pistol shrimp. The larger goby of each pair is visible almost all the time. Much of the time both are visible.

With 2 pistol shrimps the pair might split apart and guard 1 shrimp each. I had 2 pistol shrimps in one tank with one goby pair and the 2 gobies lived apart for a long time, but even at opposite ends of the tank the gobies never fought. That pair is back together now. My guess is one of the shrimps might have died, but it’s difficult to know with the tiny candy cane pistol shrimps.
The pistol shrimp are a pair and burrow together
Big thanks to @mvallee for the new buddy for my royal gramma! He’s in the breeder box until tomorrow when my new lid gets here!
Also got some organizing done down below along with my fluval marine nano set up for a fuge. Now to get my dragons breath growing!
Got the final approval to keep the tank from my wife last week once she was happy with the tank being covered. So I ordered a rfg. I also lost one of the black ray gobies the night after I got it as the stress of being caught was too much. He may have also been hurt by the worker on accident. Was going to get a second one, but was nervous about it being ousted. So ended up with a court jester goby to replace it. So final stocking is:

Percula clownfish
Royal gramma
Tailspot blenny
Purple firefish
Court Jester goby
Black ray goby w/pistol shrimp pair
Top notch use of tank real estate! Love the idea of a frump. Looking awesome
Still trying to figure out how to clear out some stuff and make room for my higher end zoas on my rock instead of on the rack. Its amazing how quickly you can run out of space. I'm contemplating setting up a pvc pipe filter with bio balls or ceramic rings for filtration, then only have a clean frag rack in the frump area.
Just another random update for growth. Coral is growing so much better than before under the fluval led, as well as significantly better coloration. My mushrooms are growing like rabbits too
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