removing BTA


my BTA split and one 1/2 is on the move. It settled right in the middle of a couple sps frags, I moved a powerhead to blast it off and now it's behind a rock. Any tips on how to remove the BTA from the rock and move it to another tank?
Can you pull the rock? Is it in a hole? If yes and no, you can pull the rock and pry its foot off the rock gently with a screwdriver (trying to get rock instead of flesh)
I've heard a number of people say that they can gently peel the foot off of smooth rock or glass using their fingernail. i'd be very careful with a screwdriver. If you can remove the rock he's on, why not just put that rock in the new tank?
When mine split I was able to remove one of the half's because it hadnt got hold of the rock with its tight grip. I really need to get rid of more. My moroon pair would be happier and so would I if they just had 1, maybe 2BTA's to protect. Not 5!
I agree with Nate. The fingernail method has worked time and again. You just need to be patient and take your time. Once you pry a small portion of the foot free, work your way around the perimeter of the foot. With a little diligence you will be able to get it off.

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