Reverse Osmosis+DI Water System UNIT?

Why not get one with a 75gal/day rating then you will get 98% rejection
out off the memberane. IMHO 100\day is never never better than 92%
to start i change out my 75g\day at that point.
You it will save you alot of money not having to buy So much DI resin.

Plus I think that is decpetive marketing 99-100% rejection after the DI
Most units the membrane output is the rejection rating.

Heck setup right you can get 100% out of just the DI resin alone. It
would be expensive but it can be done.
I have a 75gpd unit from I've heard that some of the units on Ebay aren't that great.... That's just what I heard, I'd buy from a reputable dealer that way you know what you are getting. IMO

Plus Delta is right about the mis marketing issue.
so what do you recommend?

I know a few peopel who are happy with the water general, just if you can get one that is 75g\day would be better.

I like airwaterice but there are alot of other nice RO/DI units.
You could also check out to see what some of the sponors have to

But stay away from anything with more than 75g/day membranes unless it has a dual membrane but still no more than 2-75g/day membranes
I have the one you are looking at on ebay and it's very well made. I've seen a lot of disucussions about GE Desal membranes vs. Filmtec with people usually saying there is no comparison to Filmtec, but a couple people posted TDS results from the exact model you are looking at, the 100gpd, and the rejection rate after the RO, before the DI was about 98%, so I guess the GE Desal membrane works fine.

Another reason I like this unit is the dual DI. Someday I may try to get some some separate anion and kation media for the separate cartridges and be able to recharge them instead of discard once they're spent.
I knew a few guys here had the same one with no issues. im ordering tommorrow and just wanted to know and sugestions or comments on setup and also how much water does it waste per 1g clean water?
FWIW the other deceptive part(IMO) is the dual DI. Those are piggyback DI units, the 2 make up a regular sized DI cartridge.
FWIW the other deceptive part(IMO) is the dual DI. Those are piggyback DI units, the 2 make up a regular sized DI cartridge.
What is a "regular" size DI? The ones on the Water General are 10" x 2". The 2 stage DI seems kind of useless, since the media is mixed all it does is give more time between changes.
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