Seahorse Babies

Thank you for all the kind words this has been a bit of a learning curve getting things set up properly. They are still doing very well not as many losses as I honestly would’ve expected. You never know when they are going to give birth so they say to start the baby brine shrimp as soon as they do. My brine shrimp took 24 hours to hatch and was able to feed them yesterday and they are amazing hunting down and eating it’s been such a cool process. Here’s a few more pics of them eating I’ve since redesigned their tank with some fake plants they can hitch onto easier.







Very cool. I've successfully raised seahorses myself, but it is not easy, particularly after the first week or so. I strongly suggest that once they can take anything larger than newly hatched brineshrimp you start feeding them brine shrimp that are several days old and have been fed LIVE micro algae, preferably more than one strain. To do this correctly you really need to have your own cultures of micro algae, ideally keeping them extremely clean (at least the stock cultures). It would be good to get a seasoned sponge filter into that tank soon as well, though not sure you have one available if you did not plan ahead for it. You could also (alternatively) use a rock or two of live rock, but you would need to keep this rock away from the seahorses, perhaps on the other side of a screen of some type. Otherwise 'things' will crawl out of the rock, eat the waste food and take out quite a few seahorses in the process. I found as you go forward this is the one time that a UV filter might be of value. IME seahorses have a very weak immune system, particularly if not fed a lot of varied and nutritious foods.
Sorry for lack of updates but still going well had a bit of a die off. I expected it would happen knowing their survival rate and it being my first time and not being able to dedicate as much time to them as they probably need. Very hard to count as they are still so small and they don’t sit still when asked but I’d say 30-50 left depending who’s counting and each persons patience level 1, 2 skip a few 30 40 50 lol. I can’t honestly say they are noticeably bigger but they are bolder in color so definitely a good sign I’d say. My male is definitely pregnant again so I’ll have another batch in about 3 weeks or so I’ll end up getting another tank setup to keep the age differences separate this is turning into quite the venture haha. Here are some pics enjoy!








