Should I or Shouldn't I?

Andy V

So I have a JBJ nano cube that has a built in filtration system. Basically, the water goes into an overflow over a sponge filter and carbon. There are 5 chambers in the overflow. The middle for the filter, one for the skimmer, one for the heater, and 2 (1 on each side) chambers for the powerheads. Once the water goes through the filter, it enters the rest of the chambers and is circulated by the two powerheads through 2 alternating return nozzles.

The powerheads sit on the bottom of the overflow chambers, but so does some other stuff. I have had the tank for 7 months now, and I started noticing the buildup a couple months ago, but have ignored it until now. It is a brown sediment, that looks like organic waste, but I am not sure what it is.

The question is, do I leave it there or siphon it out during my next water change? Is is beneficial or harmful?
Sure is, I siphon out the sections of my system that collect it every time I do a water change that way it can't build up.
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