Sound reductions for overflow tips and Mag7


Reef Rookie Forever
Just spent over 3000 dollars on entire system for 65 g Marineland with Perfecto overflow and Mag7. Refugium has pipe that descends into the refugium and under the water level but the over flow makes a ton of noise. It is very upsetting to my wife when watching TV since it is noisy water splashing noise and hum. The hum is tolerable from the pump but the constant "loud dishwasher noise" is bad. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Wiling to spend more money to fix and correct noise even if it requires new pumps or other equipment. Thank you.
Did the overflow come with a sponge that goes ontop of the overflow tube? That should muffle it so it is not rushing in. Also is the overflow tube go straight up and down? Try to put a bend in it tube so the air is not rushing up.
Can you get some pics of your drain pipes and inside the overflow box? There are lots of little tricks to reduce noise, but we need to see what you're starting with.
Agree,a few pictures or even a drawing of your plumbing would be great.
There are folks here that have built some very impressive systems that might be able to help quiet your system.
Mag 7 is internal and no sponge.
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Skimmer is quiet and Ecotechs are quiet too.
There is a UV connected in the background on the return line.
Sorry about pics on 2 different responses.
Thank you for any help and input.
replacing the elbow on the top of the drain with a T to convert to a durso standpipe would help, also using a reverse durso in the sump to eliminate air going into the water.
Don't need a Mag 7 for a return pump on a 65. Mags make a lot of noise and to much flow through overflow and plumbing will make noise also. You only need 3-5x tank volume through your sump. So 195 to 325 gph pump will do ya. Rely on powerheads in the tank for tank flow. You could get by with a Mag 3 or 5. Mags use a lot of watts, vibrate and make noise. I use a Eheim Compact+ 2000 Pump 528gph for the return on my 60 cube and I have it cut back some. There's a flow adjust knob on the side of the pump, it's dead quiet and only draws 30 watts.
You can convert it to herbie overflow (google herbie overflow). It is very quiet. However, it will require you to drill a hole on the side or a ugly return plumbing over the top of the tank.
replacing the elbow on the top of the drain with a T to convert to a durso standpipe would help, also using a reverse durso in the sump to eliminate air going into the water.

That is what I would do.

I wouldn't bother with the Herbie awful lot for little to no gain. If a durso is setup properly it is quit as a mouse. all about water height not the system. Heck you could use a stockman and it would be fine. the key is the longer the water falls the louder it will be. Even with the extra drains Herbies can fail
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I have a 60g Marineland cube with an overflow that isn't great. I would make that hole on top of the drain pipe bigger. That little plastic tube is not big enough to allow enough air to pass through easily. Make the hole bigger with bigger tube or do what Mike G suggested. Also a filter sock in the sump and some sort of sump cover would help reduce the spalshing noise.
I tried to quiet my overflow and after a few different configurations I ended up going with a Herbie. Very quiet because it eliminates the splashing entirely and the gurgling from the overflow. IMO worth the little extra work.
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