Sticking Frags to Rock


I can't seem to get my frags to stick to my rocks. I have tried marine epoxy and it's not sticking and someone keeps knocking them over. Anyone have any suggestions?
yesterday I tried using regular superglue for a carpet of polyps against my glass. I've had great success gluing frags outside of the tank but unsuccessful under water. Would the gel work for this?
My problem exactly, underwater. The frags stick for 10 minutes until somebody comes along and boom to the sandbed it goes. Are you talking about regular old superglue from the store. Is it non toxic?
if you put a good glob of superglue on the frag will skin over once it is in water. When you push that glob on the rock you want to mount the frag to, it will break open and stick. This should harden almost instantly if not within 10sec. Mine have stayed without any issues. Maybe you're not using enough superglue gel? I usually use about 1/2 a small tube for each frag...sometimes the whole tube if it is a large frag/colony.
I want to make sure I get the right stuff. Is it plain old superglue you can buy at Walmart? Not anything special for Salt Water Tanks.
Any old superglue will work, just make sure its the gel and not the normal kind, because the normal kind is too runny.
also it depends on the type of frag. mushrooms seldom stick with glue, same with green tree and colt.
it has to be cynocrylate based super glue...gel is easier to use. I buy the Duros brand from Walmart. Use to be $1.49 for a 2 pack ...went up a few months ago to $1.89??. Still HD they carry 2 kinds..both will work.