Sumpless and skimmerless 20 gallon almost a year old

Thank you for the compliments, everyone!
Mctec... that's a green polyped toadstool leather.
higor... it's the fancy stuff that scares me! Haha
A truly amazing tank and an inspiration for my 16 gallon nano tank that is just using dry rock in the filter chambers. It's a standout tank regardless of the technology. Accomplishing this with low tech suggests maintenance skills and deligence quite above average. Thanks for posting this thread. I am going to have to follow your other postings to see what insights I can gather from you.
Thanks guys! Feel free to post your tanks that are run basic, low cost and thriving. I'd love to see them!
Lex, the torches do touch and are fine with each other.
mctec, I only have a piece of the blue and white filter floss sheet in there that I change out about every 3 weeks.

This is a shot of my 47 from a week or two ago. It is sumpless and the skimmer is a very small, in-tank model that works OK but not as well as I'd like. I'm just very restricted on space. All of the equipment on it (other than lighting) is very low-tech. It is under LED so impossible to get a very good picture to show the true colors.

I love seeing these. Hopefully I'll be able to add mine to the list of low tech sumpless here soon. Also curious about what salt you use.

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Great looking tanks....I always tell everyone...less is more.

Trick is keeping lightly stocked for Fish and good regular water changes...

My second best tank ever was a 72 gallon bow front with no sump and a CPR bak pak skimmer...
I try to do about a 20%-30% WC at least every 4-6 weeks. I should do more but my schedule sometimes prevents me from doing so. The longest I've gone was about 2-3 months. I am not suggesting that others do this or that it will work for every system. In most cases it probably would be a bad idea. It is not ideal but it does work for my system at it' maturity level with it's bio load and feeding. I sometimes get patches of algae and I'm fine with that. I keep it under control by running Phosguard in a Fluval 405. I think a little algae looks more natural to me. I have a melanurus wrasse, a bicolor blenny, a red lip blenny and a flame angel. I feed daily, usually pellets but sometimes frozen. I use IO for salt because I like to keep that as basic as possible.

I'd also add that I am running this sump less out if necessity, not choice. But I think it shows that it can work.
Thank you, Fishport!
beautiful tank, Richard! It looks much bigger than a 47. Do you dose?
Lex, I change out 5 gallons once a week, sometimes I let it go for 2 weeks. I rely on the water changes instead of dosing this one, and rarely check my parameters.
Mctec, Red Sea Coral Pro. I have tried many salts in my tanks, but Red Sea Coral pro is the one that gives me the best results.
Thanks for the compliment. Yes, I dose 2-part using a couple aqua-lifters on digital timers. I go through a fair amount with all the stony corals, two clams and Halimeda.
Beautiful tank! I have a 90 gallon with a eheim canister , hangon AquaC pro. I've been thinking of getting rid of the skimmer and doing a little more water changes instead . After I seen your results today. That's the route I'm going to take!
Looking good Chrissy!!

Here's our KISS 12 gallon Nano. Been slowly adding to it over the last 6 months or so. Our intention is to make it Ricordea dominated. Powered by MJ1200, 15 watt heater, and 15 watts of LEDS.



Thanks for the compliments. I love Chrissy's tank though. I'm jealous of her color and I want to get a frag of one of her Acro's eventually!
Thanks guys!
Jim... you're fresh! LOL looks great! What's that light? I have a 5 gallon that I'm looking for a new light for. of these days we'll have to trade! :)
Not sure of waht kind of light it is to be honest. I bought it at Jays maybe 8 months ago? I was at unique over the weekend, and I recognised the box, so they have it there too.

It is 5 x 3 watt leds. I'll see if there's a model number on it when I get home.