Thank You Sicce


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BRS Member
Hey guys, I was doing some overtime this morning and started getting notifications from my Sicce return pump on my 120 for over temp. I checked it in the app and it was almost 84 degrees. I shut the return off since the heaters are located in the sump until I got home. Sure enough, one of my Eheims was stuck on. Thankfully the pump had this feature built in to alert me of issues. I could have lost everything and thousands of dollars. Lots of good lessons to be learned here about redundancy, controllers/monitoring and having a backup.
Thanks for posting! I didn’t even realize any of their pumps had this feature, I’ll definitely be looking into it in the future…
Hands down that pump is the best investment I've made on that tank. Small, silent and monitor-ready out of the box. Saved me probably 2k in fish alone today.