the BRS meeting


well to everyone that i met at the meeting...........thanks for a good time!!! it was my first one and i met some very nice and generous people!!! i only hope that i can return the generosity at future meetings when my tank starts to grow up a bit. i thought greg's presentation was awesome! i'm from way over here on the "west side" of the state and thought that the whole day was definately worth the drive. i'm sure i won't be able to make all future meetings but will make as many as i can.

to every one who spent lots od time to get things together and ready for the rest of us to just enjoy the day, a huge "thank you"!! if you ever want any help trying to get something together out my way....just ask and let me know what i could do.

'till next time!!!!

Soumds like you guys had a great time! I am sorry that I missed out.. Got stuck working all Friday night right thru early Sat morning paving Rte 495 and was dead tired when I got home.. I didn't wake up until this morning... so I will meet all at next meeting.
glad i could do what little i could.... was good to meet you and everyone else who wanted some sand...
mauro, you'll have to let me know when you get things up and running and send me some pics. tell your friends that i can still get some sand too, just send me pm.

oh and happy fathers day to all i met with kids!!!
I also thank you very much. I looked all over and cound'nt find it. I was about to just the heck with it and buy sand at the LFS.
Thanks again Bill
like i said, my pleaseure....any time guys!!! glad to help when and how i can!! hope it all works for ya!
talk again soon
Lourdes, the new zooanthid pieces are doing well.
Many a future newbie thanks you, and so do I. ;)